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Allen, TX Tongue Tie Release Surgery: Cuddly Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

Procedure Details


What are tongue-tie?  

tongue-tie is a condition that affects many children and adults, in which the connective tissue between the tongue and the floor of the mouth – called the frenulum – is too small, short, and/or overly tight. 

 What causes tongue-tie?  

Tongue-ties develop naturally as a baby forms in the womb. Genetics is primarily thought to be responsible for tongue- lip-ties. Tongue-ties do not spontaneously occur in adulthood, though symptoms of a tongue-tie may become more pronounced or bothersome as the child grows into adolescence and adulthood. 


How do I know if my baby has a tongue-tie?  

In some cases, tongue-tie symptoms are mild and do not cause any problems. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of a tongue-tie include:  

Difficulty breastfeeding or latching 

Breastfeeding causes pain for mother 

Difficulty bottle-feeding 

Loss of appetite 

Fussiness and irritability (babies) 

Notch in tip of tongue 

Heart-shaped tongue 

Difficulty pronouncing certain words and sounds

Inability to stick tongue out past bottom lip

Clicking or Smacking noise during breastfeeding

Slow weight gain or lack of weight gain

 Extremely fatigued by nursing 

Colic or gas pain in babies

Narrow jaw development

 In adults, the complications of a  tongue-tie can lead to other issues due to overcompensation or adjustments made to eating and speaking. These can include TMJ problems, sleep disruptions, and others. 

Relieve tongue-tie symptoms at any age with laser frenectomy in Allen, TX  

If you or your child are struggling to eat or speak properly, it may be due to tongue-tie or lip-tie. Find relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of tongue- and lip-tie today by calling Cuddly Smiles Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics to schedule your consultation for laser tongue-tie treatment in Allen, TX with Dr. Yvonne Felli today. 



Cuddly Smiles

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